Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

You got questions and we got answers. Here are a list of frequently asked questions we get from our customers. If you don't see a question or an answer below contact us and one of our agents will be right there to help you.

Do you transport to residential locations?
Yes. As long as our carrier can fit down the street you car will be delivered to that address.
What kind of guarantee do I have that you will ship my car?
We don't receive a single penny until we have a driver assigned to your transport. We pride ourselves on customer service, reliability and professionalism.
Do I have to be present during pick-up and delivery?
No. You do not have to be present. You can designate any individual you choose to be present during pick-up and delivery.
Can I place items in my car for transport?
Zoom Auto Transport follows industry standards which allows up to 100lbs to be placed in vehicles for transportation.
Will my vehicle be inspected before it is transported?
Our door to door service allows for inspection before your vehicle is transported. It is important that you inspect your vehicle before pickup and after delivery.
How fast will my car be delivered?
Delivery time depends on the distance of the transport. Our pick-up windows are usually within 48 hours of a request. Contact us for additional details regarding transport time.